Press Releases

Highlights from Discover Boating's Influencer Partnerships this Summer

To engage the next generation of boaters and inspire younger, more diverse audiences to experience life on the water, Discover Boating, powered by NMMA and MRAA, partnered with a fleet of social content creators who are uniquely positioned to help amplify our industry’s voice among their dedicated follower bases.

Discover Boating’s influencer marketing campaign included dozens of Instagram and TikTok creators and generated nearly 50 million consumer impressions (the number of times the content appeared on people's feeds) and approximately 2 million engagements (i.e., likes, shares, comments, clicks), which indicate the content was interesting to followers.

Check out a few highlights from a portion of the influencer campaign that showcases the inspiring posts created by key content creators.

If you have questions regarding Discover Boating's influencer partnerships, please contact NMMA's Maggie Maskery at [email protected].